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Author Archives: Amy

Amy is a holistic health care practitioner with a passion for helping others heal their digestion and their hormones naturally.

Reasons Why #4: Balance Hormones!

reasons why people get acupuncture #4 – balance hormones!



It’s a bit reductionist to think of life as a bucket of chemicals, and at the same time, the factual complexity is mind blowing!

While it’s important and super cool to understand endocrine glands and the hormones they secrete, one of the simplest and most effective ways to treat

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Reasons Why #3 – Get Regular! Beat IBS

Poop like a champ! Eliminating waste on a daily basis is not a ‘nice-to-have’.  It’s a top-down job!


What is IBS?

While it’s beyond the scope of this short blog, Irritable Bowel Syndrome in a nutshell manifests as diarrhea, or constipation, or both alternating, often with pain and unpredictability/dysregulation of elimination.


How Often is Normal?

We are designed

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Reasons Why We Choose Acupuncture #2 – Avoid Medications

reasons why we choose acupuncture #2 – avoid medications


While the adage ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’ is still meaningful and relevant, eating a healthy diet is not the only thing you can do to prevent developing disease.   There is an ancient Chinese proverb ‘the best physician has no sick patients’.  This speaks to the

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What does a normal menstrual cycle look like?

Here are the guidelines that I look for my patients to fall within for a healthy menstrual cycle and the fluctuations that indicate the need for attention.


Week before the period – Premenstrual Time

A normal cycle does not require there to be symptoms or changes before menstruation begins.  A very mild brief breast tenderness or brief mild mood

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Reasons Why Series – Reason #1 Treat Medication Side Effects

One Good Reason:  Treating Medication Side Effects Drugs are amazing.  They help a lot of people prevent and manage illnesses.  But let’s face it, most drugs have side effects.  Not for every person, but for the majority of patients one or more side effects shows up, sometimes to the point of outweighing the benefits.   In response, your doctor may suggest or Continue reading

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