- Energy Flow Acupuncture & Wellness Center24W500 Maple Ave Suite 212
Naperville, IL 60540630-335-1069 Clinic Hours
By Appointment Only
Neuro Emotional Technique
Manage Stress & Anxiety in 3 Minutes – a Simple Technique
Remember this Easy Technique when you’re in the moment, right after an upsetting situation, or before you head into a difficult situation, or as a daily “vitamin” for stress reduction! Oh and by the way, you can use it for any type of physical pain as well! This is the at home DIY version of Neuro Emotional Technique that is called FIrst Aid Stress Tool, or FAST for short.
- Identify what’s bothering you. Rate your distress level from 0-10: 10 being the most upset and 0 feeling peaceful and calm.
- Line Your Fingers along the thumb side of your wrist from the wrist crease as in this picture:
- While holding those 3 spots with your fingers, place the open palm across your forehead.
- Breathe in your nose and out your mouth while concentrating on the feelings of the issue of distress. Do at least 3 complete breaths. If you are not in a hurry breathe in and out until you feel the shift. The emotional “charge” will feel more neutral.
- Switch hands – touching the 3 points with your 3 fingers on the other wrist, and covering your forehead with the other hand.Repeat the breathing while focusing on the upsetting feelings.
- Rate your level of upset again from 0-10. Repeat this breathing exercise as needed throughout the day.
When working through a big thing, whether it’s chronic anxiety, panic attacks, work or relationship stress, or physical ailment, stick with using FAST a minimum of twice daily every day until the situation/feelings fade and no longer created a big reaction for you.