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5 Keys to the Best PCOS Diet

I don’t like the word diet – but it’s short for a way of eating.  Diet brings to mind fads, restrictions, and missing out.  But it doesn’t have to! The PCOS diet empowers you to take back control of your health, and not rely on doctors who are quite frankly decades behind the research which shows that what and how you eat definitely matters. Food is truly your best medicine!

PCOS is a condition associated with metabolic syndrome, and as such what you put in your mouth has a big impact.  Food can be inflammatory, and food can wreak havoc on your hormones unless you learn what to avoid and what to include. Read on for the Keys to a PCOS diet to help reverse this curable disease.  The basics are nutrient-dense whole foods, healthy fats, and plenty of protein for stabilizing blood sugar!

Healthy meals are key for PCOS


Sugar Cravings

As a metabolic disorder, a PCOS diagnosis means you likely have a blood sugar metabolism dysregulation.  This can affect everything from your weight to your mood to thinking and of course cravings.  Upping your protein and replacing refined sugars and refined carbs with whole grains, fresh fruits, and real veggies feeds your mind and body with natural fuel that it knows what to do with!

To reset your blood sugar regulation, you can schedule an appointment where we do an easy painless test and correction to make the big change of cutting out sugars a lot easier.


Gluten’s Gotta Go

Cutting out gluten is super important if you have PCOS, because it is definitely an inflammatory type of protein, and it’s mostly found in foods containing wheat, which are mostly either refined or at least full of pesticides and herbicides like the notorious glyphosate.  When you avoid gluten, you’re avoiding all kinds of processed and sweet foods that contribute to PCOS symptoms.


Veggies for the Victory

When you add dark green leafies to your meals, you’re giving your body what it needs to heal and help with hormone balancing and reducing inflammation . For breakfast, try softly scrambled eggs with avocado slices and steamed or sauteed chard or spinach. It’s quick and tastes great. Add sea salt or himalayan salt and fresh ground pepper to taste. Very nourishing and a great way to get in a good serving or two of your greens for the day. Other quick options for getting your veggies in through out the day can include salad, a veggie soup, and steamed or sauteed greens.


Finesse your Fats

Read labels on packaged foods and you’ll see safflower oil, soybean oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, vegetable oil, even cottonseed oil.   Guess what? All of these fats are heavily processed, which makes them foreign and unnatural to our immune system and intestinal mucosa.  HIstorically, humans ate foods high in Omega-3’s, and now our processed diets have a too-high amount of Omega-6 fatty acids. This creates inflammation in the body.  Grass-fed, pasture raised animals also will have a healthier natural types of fatty acids whereas industrial, conventionally raised livestock and poultry will have less healthy omega-3 and more of the inflammatory Omega-6’s.


Prioritize Protein

Eating sufficient amounts of protein, throughout the day, stabilizes blood sugar, whereas carbohydrates destabilize.  When grains are limited and healthy natural proteins are emphasized we can help regulate blood sugar so we don’t get spikes and dips which is stressful for the body.


Support For PCOS

Acupuncture, Lifestyle changes, and Nutritional and Diet changes create an effective treatment plan for reversing or addressing the symptoms of PCOS including infertility.  So don’t lose hope! Seek out a holistic provider to help guide you to better health! Contact Amy at Energy Flow to schedule your free complimentary discovery call 630-335-1069.

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Acupuncture for Women by a Woman



Top 9 Women’s Symptoms That I Have Successfully Used Acupuncture for Healing



I am Amy Rieselman, the owner and practitioner of Energy Flow Acupuncture and Wellness Center. We specialize in women’s acupuncture. Women’s acupuncture is a widely studied treatment recognized globally for its effectiveness in addressing gynecological hormonal problems, heart diseases, hypertension, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, digestive disorders, mental/emotional challenges, fatigue, and sleep issues.


When was the last time you felt deeply relaxed? This is the most common feeling our patients report during and after their acupuncture sessions.  Scientifically, stimulating acupuncture points releases many chemicals in the brain, spinal cord, and muscles. These chemicals, namely endorphins, modulate pain, help tissue regeneration, and boost the body’s natural healing processes.


We offer patient-centered health care in Naperville, IL, focusing mainly on women. Our approach integrates herbal therapy and acupuncture. We always prioritize listening to and partnering with our patients to achieve enduring health improvements.


Pain is a manifestation of our nervous system responding to energy blockages.  Acupuncture releases these blockages, enabling the release of endorphins, our body’s natural painkillers.


Here at Energy Flow Acupuncture & Wellness Center, our acupuncture treatment plans reduce menstrual cramps, ease premenstrual syndrome symptoms, and regulate menstrual cycles. Furthermore, acupuncture complements fertility treatments. Some patients undergoing in vitro fertilization have reported enhanced success rates after acupuncture sessions.


1)  Menstrual Cramps and PMS: Acupuncture may help reduce the severity of menstrual cramps and alleviate symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Irregular Menstruation: Some women find acupuncture helps better regulate their menstrual cycles.


2) Fertility Challenges: Acupuncture is a complementary therapy for women undergoing fertility treatments, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF). Some studies suggest that acupuncture may improve the success rates of these treatments.


Fertility setbacks can stem from various reasons, including hormonal imbalances and physical barriers that hinder pregnancy. At the same time, acupuncture creates a conducive environment for conception but cannot help physical damage, such as scarred ovaries.


3) Pregnancy and Postpartum Support: Acupuncture may help alleviate common pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, back pain, and fatigue. Acupuncture also supports recovery, boosts energy, and addresses issues such as postpartum depression.


During pregnancy, acupuncture can mitigate symptoms like nausea, back pain, and fatigue. After childbirth, I recommend acupuncture to bolster recovery, rejuvenate energy, and tackle postpartum depression.


4) Stress and Anxiety: I often recommend acupuncture for stress and anxiety. Acupuncture has a calming effect, which helps my patients combat their daily stresses more effectively.


5) Digestive Issues: Acupuncture helps alleviate symptoms of various digestive disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and constipation. Specific digestive issues can be healed with acupuncture. We treat digestive conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation.


6) Menopause presents another set of challenges for women. Acupuncture targets the adrenal glands, reducing cortisol levels and helping mitigate symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings. By addressing the root causes, acupuncture can harmonize hormonal imbalances and provide significant relief.


7) Sleep Problems is a lesser-known benefit of acupuncture. By relieving built-up stress, and removing energy blockages, sleep improves naturally with acupuncture therapy.


8) Endometriosis and painful menstruation are imbalances where addressing the root cause is essential. Normal menstruation should be regular, with a consistent flow and minimal clotting. Increasing pain or reliance on pain medications is a red flag. In Chinese medicine, endometriosis is categorized as a blood stagnation condition. Along with conditions like PCOS and uterine fibroids, acupuncture is effective in alleviating lower abdominal pain, improving blood circulation, and bolstering the immune response.


9) Headaches and migraines can significantly impair one’s quality of life. Through acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, I help ease the severity and frequency of these debilitating pains, offering relief without the common side effects of conventional drugs.


We would love to discuss your concerns and layout strategies to alleviate pain. Energy Flow Acupuncture is located just east of downtown Naperville and serves the surrounding communities. We offer free phone, Zoom, or in-person consultations. Please call us at 630-335-1069 to schedule yours today.

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Amy’s Favorite Foods for Fall

Naperville Pumpkins
Naperville Pumpkins



Amy’s Favorite Foods for Fall


According to Chinese tradition, autumn is associated with the metal element, lungs, and large intestinal organs. Both the lung and large intestine are organs of detoxification and elimination. We release waste products in gas form through exhalation and solid waste through defecation.


Nutritional Consulting


Traditional Nutrition Fall Flavor

The flavor of the metal element is pungent. This flavor’s action is dispersing; it promotes the circulation of Qi and blood. Some examples of pungent foods are radish, mint, ginger, garlic, onion, and cinnamon.


Days gradually shorten, the temperature is excellent, and the climate is dry. The harvest is close, and traditionally, people would be busy preserving and storing for winter.


This environmental shift also affects our bodies; we may notice drier skin, eyes, and mucous membranes.


Our lungs are considered the most external internal organs in East Asian medicine because the respiratory system connects to the outside world through our sinus and nasal passages. These delicate tissues can become dry in the autumn and more susceptible to invasion and infection.


Internally, we can think about releasing what no longer serves us—what we held on to this year that did not advance our purpose, goals, or joy. And we can turn inward and reflect on what we’ve learned this spring and summer.


Autumn Seasonal Eating


The way we eat changes with the seasons. To counter the dryness, we eat moistening, yin-enriching foods; we eat cooked and warming foods to counter the cold. Spicy foods, herbs, and spices provide warmth, while meats, grains, roots, and winter squash provide moisture. The savory disperses the sweet and moist throughout the body. So the key to autumn eating is sweet and spicy!


Here are a few foods I recommend and enjoy in the fall and some of their benefits:


Winter Squash includes pumpkin, butternut, acorn, and many other varieties. Winter squashes are sweet and enrich you. They provide nourishment as food choices naturally decrease at this time of year and as we go into the winter storage months. Cut into big pieces, scoop out the seeds, sprinkle with cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, or allspice, and oil the skin. Bake at 400 until the flesh is tender.


Apples and pears Both apples and pears are abundantly available during the fall season. They are sweet, slightly tart (especially certain apple varieties), and possess cooling properties. Apples help detoxify the liver, promote bowel movements due to their fiber content, and can help moisten dryness. Pears are particularly beneficial for the lungs, as they help produce fluids and alleviate coughing. Try enjoying them fresh or bake them with a sprinkle of cinnamon and honey for a delightful treat.  A traditional Chinese remedy for cough is to eat steamed pears.


Root Vegetables Beets, carrots, turnips, and parsnips are some root vegetables that shine during the fall. Root veggies are grounding, which is helpful when the winds of change sweep through during autumn. They are packed with vitamins and minerals that help nourish our bodies during the cooler months. You can roast them with your spices, add them to soups, or make a hearty stew.


Ginger and turmeric Both of these spices are warming in nature. Ginger is known to enhance digestion, warm the body, and help blood circulation. Turmeric, with its vibrant yellow hue, is an anti-inflammatory powerhouse. It’s excellent for joint health, significantly as the temperatures drop. You can add ginger and turmeric to soups, teas, or smoothies.


Leafy Greens Kale, chard, and collard greens appear strongly in the fall. These greens are packed with essential nutrients and are a good source of dietary fiber. They help support the body’s detoxification process, particularly the liver. Sauté them with garlic and a touch of red pepper flakes for warmth, or add them to soups and stews.


Walnuts and chestnuts: As we move into the colder months, our bodies require more nourishing and warming foods. Walnuts and chestnuts are ideal for this time of year. Walnuts benefit the brain and kidneys and have a warm nature. Chestnuts, on the other hand, are delicious and support our digestive and respiratory systems. Roast them for a heartwarming snack, or add them to your favorite dishes.


Broths and soups: Warm, hearty broths and soups are the essence of fall. They can be both nourishing and hydrating. Bone broths are particularly beneficial as they are rich in minerals, collagen, and amino acids that support gut health. Vegetarian broths made with a mix of autumn veggies can also be profoundly enriching.


Reflection on Autumn Eating

Fall is a transitional season—a bridge between the vibrant energy of summer and the quiet introspection of winter. It’s a time to slow down, turn inward, and nourish our bodies with warming, grounding foods. It’s also a period to reflect on the harvest of our efforts throughout the year and to shed what no longer serves us, much like the trees letting go of their leaves. Embracing the foods of the season helps us remain physically and emotionally balanced as we prepare for the colder months ahead.



Acupuncture for Naperville


We treat the WHOLE person at Energy Flow Acupuncture & Wellness Center, not just a symptom. We genuinely believe in the mind-body-spirit connection, which is why Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine have withstood the test of time – we are more than the sum of our parts!


We would love to discuss your concerns and see if we could work together. Energy Flow Acupuncture, located just east of downtown Naperville and serving the surrounding communities, offers free phone, Zoom, or in-person consultations. Please call us at 630-335-1069 to schedule yours today.


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Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine in Naperville

Acupuncture Naperville



Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine in Naperville


Naperville, a picturesque city in Illinois, is known for its rich history, vibrant community, and strong emphasis on health and well-being. The city’s health statistics paint an encouraging picture of its residents’ health, and alternative medicine like acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine are increasingly playing a significant role in this sphere. These ancient practices are gaining popularity for their holistic approach and potential benefits, especially in a world grappling with the stresses of modern-day living.


Naperville’s Health Statistics: A Snapshot

In the last decade, Naperville has seen a consistent increase in the overall well-being of its residents. According to the county health rankings, life expectancy has increased, and the rates of preventable hospital stays have decreased. Furthermore, the percentage of residents reporting physical or mental distress has also notably declined. The Naperville community actively engages in fitness programs and shows increased interest in complementary and alternative medicine.


The Intricacies of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine:

Acupuncture is a fundamental component of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that involves the insertion of thin needles at specific points on the body. The balance the flow of “qi,” or energy. On the other hand, Chinese medicine encompasses an array of practices, including herbal medicine, cupping therapy, and tai chi. TCM aims to maintain harmony and balance within the body, which is considered crucial for health.


Revitalizing Naperville’s Health Through Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine:


  1. Chronic Pain Management:

The statistics show a recent rise in chronic pain among Naperville’s adult population. Acupuncture is a promising alternative to conventional pain management strategies. The National Institutes of Health have recognized its efficacy in alleviating chronic pain, including lower back pain, osteoarthritis, and headaches. Local health facilities in Naperville, such as Healing Place and Satori Acupuncture, offer specialized acupuncture services to address chronic pain.

  1. Stress Reduction:

Urbanization and fast-paced lifestyles increase stress levels. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine, which focus on the balance of mind and body, are increasingly sought after for stress reduction. Several studies suggest that acupuncture can modulate stress hormones and promote relaxation. Naperville’s community wellness programs now incorporate mindfulness, tai chi, and acupuncture as stress reduction strategies.

  1. Addressing Mental Health:

Naperville’s health statistics reveal that mental health issues, including anxiety and depression, are a growing concern. Acupuncture and herbal remedies from Chinese medicine help with adjunct therapies.

  1. Enhancing the Immune System:

Naperville’s health-conscious community is turning to Chinese medicine for immune support. Chinese herbs like astragalus and ginseng are known for their immunomodulatory effects. The Wellness Shop in Naperville offers a range of herbal formulations to bolster immunity.

  1. Complementing Cancer Care:

In Naperville, cancer remains one of the leading causes of death. Chinese medicine is increasingly used alongside conventional cancer treatments. Acupuncture helps manage chemotherapy’s side effects, such as nausea and fatigue. Edwards Hospital’s Integrative Medicine Clinic in Naperville has been at the forefront of incorporating acupuncture into cancer care.

Community Engagement and Education:

Community engagement and education are paramount for the sustained growth of acupuncture and Chinese medicine in Naperville. The Naperville Public Library hosts workshops and seminars on the benefits of these practices.


Pain Relief:

Pain is your body’s way of alerting you to an injury or illness. Modern scientific research has validated the pain-relieving properties of acupuncture, contributing to its growing acceptance in Western medicine.

  1. Neurotransmitter Theory: Acupuncture stimulates the release of neurotransmitters such as endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers. Needles are inserted into acupuncture points, they trigger the nervous system, prompting it to release these chemicals into the brain, spinal cord, and muscles. The increased endorphin levels can significantly reduce the perception of pain.
  1. Gate Control Theory: According to this theory, the body has a pain regulation system that blocks or permits pain signals from reaching the brain. Acupuncture activates specific sensory neurons that can inhibit other pain signals, effectively “closing the gate” to pain.

Stimulating Healing:

Acupuncture doesn’t just offer pain relief; it also promotes the body’s healing processes in several ways.

  1. Increased Blood Flow: By causing micro-trauma at the needle insertion points, acupuncture encourages increased blood flow to these areas. This enhanced circulation brings more oxygen and nutrients, helping nourish tissues, reduce inflammation, and accelerate healing.
  1. Neurohormonal Pathways: Acupuncture stimulates the hypothalamus and pituitary glands, which control numerous body functions. This stimulation prompts the release of certain hormones that could promote tissue healing and regeneration.
  2. Immune System Activation: Studies suggest that acupuncture can stimulate the immune system, increasing the number and activity of immune cells. Which helps the body fight off infections and diseases more effectively, aiding healing.

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are carving a niche in Naperville’s healthcare landscape. The city’s health statistics reflect this trend, with an improvement in the overall well-being of its residents. The holistic approach of these practices caters to the increasing health awareness and the need for a balanced lifestyle among the Naperville community. As modern medicine continues to intertwine with traditional techniques, the benefits of such integrative care are becoming increasingly evident.

We would love to discuss your concerns and see if we could work together. Energy Flow Acupuncture, located just east of downtown Naperville, and serving the surrounding communities, offers free consultations via phone, Zoom, or in person. Please call us at 630-335-1069 to schedule yours today.

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Discovering Acupuncture: Insights from Naperville, Lisle, Downers Grove, and Woodridge

Acupuncture Naperville



Discovering Acupuncture: Insights from Naperville, Lisle, Downers Grove, and Woodridge


Acupuncture, a therapeutic modality hailing from traditional Chinese medicine, has made significant strides in Western healthcare, with numerous practitioners and clinics surfacing across the United States. This article focuses on four notable regions in Illinois: Naperville, Lisle, Downers Grove, and Woodridge, where acupuncture is a burgeoning wellness trend, offering residents a holistic approach to health and well-being.


Acupuncture in Naperville

In Naperville, acupuncture is an integral part of integrative health and a complement to mainstream medical practice. Naperville acupuncture clinics offer a comprehensive range of services, including acupuncture for pain relief, stress reduction, fertility support, and chronic illness management. Patients often describe their experience as relaxing and rejuvenating. Naperville practitioners are reputed for their personalized approach, taking the time to understand each patient’s unique needs and developing individualized treatment plans. They are also noted for their educational focus, equipping patients with self-care skills to maintain optimal health outside the clinic.


Exploring Acupuncture in Lisle

Acupuncture in Lisle is widely recognized for its excellence in treating musculoskeletal and neurological conditions. Lisle-based practitioners employ techniques from traditional needle insertions to modern methods like electro-acupuncture to promote natural healing and wellness. Of particular note is their emphasis on patient education about the importance of balance and harmony in maintaining health. This region has succeeded in demystifying acupuncture and making it more accessible. Clinicians provide comprehensive consultations to explain the process, debunk myths, and address their clients’ concerns.


Acupuncture at Downers Grove

Downers Grove stands out for adopting acupuncture as an integral part of preventive healthcare. Acupuncture Downers Grove clinics are renowned for their preventative approach, using acupuncture to support the body’s innate healing capabilities. This method allows for early detection of imbalances, preventing them from manifesting into severe illnesses. Downers Grove practitioners profoundly understand the relationship between emotional well-being and physical health. They are known for their prowess in treating stress-related conditions like insomnia, digestive issues, and migraines.


Woodridge Acupuncture: The Meeting Point of Tradition and Innovation

Woodridge acupuncture integrates traditional practices with innovative technologies. Acupuncture clinics in Woodridge offer various services incorporating conventional and laser acupuncture for patients who may be averse to needles. This region is recognized for being at the forefront of acupuncture research, with clinics actively participating in studies to understand further and validate acupuncture’s efficacy in various conditions. Combining cutting-edge technology with age-old wisdom sets Woodridge apart, making it a go-to destination for those seeking holistic healing supported by modern science.


The Unifying Philosophy

Despite the unique characteristics of each region, a unifying philosophy underpins acupuncture practice in Naperville, Lisle, Downers Grove, and Woodridge. It’s the concept of balance. Every practitioner in these regions understands that good health is not just the absence of disease but balance and harmony within the body. They aim to restore this balance by identifying and treating the root cause of health issues, not merely their symptoms.

Acupuncture in these regions exemplifies how this ancient modality has seamlessly integrated into modern healthcare, addressing various conditions from chronic illnesses to lifestyle disorders. The focus remains on nurturing the body’s inherent healing mechanisms, improving quality of life, and fostering a sense of patient empowerment about their health.

The continual growth of acupuncture in Naperville, Lisle, Downers Grove, and Woodridge reflects a broader trend in healthcare, where individuals are increasingly seeking holistic, patient-centered treatments that view


Energy Flow Acupuncture in Naperville

We welcome Acupuncture patients from the greater Naperville area including Lisle, Downers Grove, Glen Ellyn, Wheaton, Woodridge, Bolingbrook, Oswego, and Plainfield.

Call today and begin your healing:  630-335-1069

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