Because Chinese Medicine developed approximately 2,000 or so years ago, it is a completely different yet complete system of medicine. Imagine what life was like then. People were completely dependent on the land around them, and very in touch with the stars, the sun, the moon, and the Earth. Everything was studied and principles of nature were deduced, and then applied to their lives for their benefit. When to plant what crop where, where to build a house, when to harvest which crop, and what plants can heal what malady.
To understand Chinese Medicine, one should consider the concept of the human as a microcosm of the macrocosm. All the laws that govern the natural world apply to us too.
I won’t go into detail because it takes a full course of study to grasp – I could refer you to some books if you want to learn more about chinese medical theories. But I do want you to understand that by approaching the human organism in this way, you are viewed as a Whole person. No part is separate, and everything is interconnected. What happens to your left foot can affect your right hand, what you think can affect your digestion. Your experiences are stored as memories in your subconscious which can interact with and disrupt or enhance your physiology.
In other words, mind-body-spirit are one. This is sometimes called Wholism. It is not woo woo or foo foo. This is the original medicine.
You’ve experienced the failures of conventional medicine or you wouldn’t be reading this. You’ve been frustrated by the one size fits all approaches, and the negative side effects overshadowing the thing you took the pill for in the first place. Or you know there’s got to be a different way.
Luckily for us Americans, a bunch of brilliant scholars and physicians of this medicine translated the important teachings passed down through the centuries and learned this medicine the traditional way – from teacher to student, master to future master.
In this way, there’s a bridge from the old knowledge of how everything in nature (which includes us!) works and how to use our natural resources and our innate healing abilities to live more purposeful, fruitful, abundant lives.
Tap in to this wisdom – learn about and trust your own power. You are whole and complete.