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Author Archives: Amy

Amy is a holistic health care practitioner with a passion for helping others heal their digestion and their hormones naturally.

Soothing the Gut: Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine for IBS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common digestive disorder that can significantly impact quality of life. While Western medicine often struggles to provide comprehensive solutions, TCM offers a holistic approach that can bring balance and relief to those suffering from IBS.

Understanding IBS

IBS is characterized by chronic abdominal pain and altered bowel habits. There are three main types:


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Nurturing Fertility: The Power of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine

As an acupuncturist and herbalist specializing in women’s health, I’ve witnessed the transformative power of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in supporting fertility. Whether you’re trying to conceive naturally or undergoing assisted reproductive therapies, acupuncture and herbal medicine offer a holistic approach to enhance your fertility journey.

The Mind-Body Connection in Fertility

Fertility is not just a physical process—it’s intimately connected

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5 Keys to the Best PCOS Diet

I don’t like the word diet – but it’s short for a way of eating.  Diet brings to mind fads, restrictions, and missing out.  But it doesn’t have to! The PCOS diet empowers you to take back control of your health, and not rely on doctors who are quite frankly decades behind the research which shows that what and how

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Miscarriage and Mind-Body Healing

I remember going through a miscarriage with my first pregnancy.  The actual physical pain was intense, worst than the worse cramps.  Plus this pain was mixed with a slew of emotions.  I remember the grief, sadness and embarrassment, for lack of a better word, for having told everyone so early about the baby.  We had been so happy. Now what?

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5 Reasons Women Should Take a Probiotic

Why probiotics For Women


There are a dizzying array of probiotic products out there, so how do you know which to choose? Are they all pretty much the same? When do you need them? What are they needed for?


Probiotics for a healthy Vaginal Ecology

For those who tend to yeast infections, odors, unusual discharge, or dryness, itchiness,

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