I don’t like the word diet – but it’s short for a way of eating. Diet brings to mind fads, restrictions, and missing out. But it doesn’t have to! The PCOS diet empowers you to take back control of your health, and not rely on doctors who are quite frankly decades behind the research which shows that what and how you eat definitely matters. Food is truly your best medicine!
PCOS is a condition associated with metabolic syndrome, and as such what you put in your mouth has a big impact. Food can be inflammatory, and food can wreak havoc on your hormones unless you learn what to avoid and what to include. Read on for the Keys to a PCOS diet to help reverse this curable disease. The basics are nutrient-dense whole foods, healthy fats, and plenty of protein for stabilizing blood sugar!
Sugar Cravings
As a metabolic disorder, a PCOS diagnosis means you likely have a blood sugar metabolism dysregulation. This can affect everything from your weight to your mood to thinking and of course cravings. Upping your protein and replacing refined sugars and refined carbs with whole grains, fresh fruits, and real veggies feeds your mind and body with natural fuel that it knows what to do with!
To reset your blood sugar regulation, you can schedule an appointment where we do an easy painless test and correction to make the big change of cutting out sugars a lot easier.
Gluten’s Gotta Go
Cutting out gluten is super important if you have PCOS, because it is definitely an inflammatory type of protein, and it’s mostly found in foods containing wheat, which are mostly either refined or at least full of pesticides and herbicides like the notorious glyphosate. When you avoid gluten, you’re avoiding all kinds of processed and sweet foods that contribute to PCOS symptoms.
Veggies for the Victory
When you add dark green leafies to your meals, you’re giving your body what it needs to heal and help with hormone balancing and reducing inflammation . For breakfast, try softly scrambled eggs with avocado slices and steamed or sauteed chard or spinach. It’s quick and tastes great. Add sea salt or himalayan salt and fresh ground pepper to taste. Very nourishing and a great way to get in a good serving or two of your greens for the day. Other quick options for getting your veggies in through out the day can include salad, a veggie soup, and steamed or sauteed greens.
Finesse your Fats
Read labels on packaged foods and you’ll see safflower oil, soybean oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, vegetable oil, even cottonseed oil. Guess what? All of these fats are heavily processed, which makes them foreign and unnatural to our immune system and intestinal mucosa. HIstorically, humans ate foods high in Omega-3’s, and now our processed diets have a too-high amount of Omega-6 fatty acids. This creates inflammation in the body. Grass-fed, pasture raised animals also will have a healthier natural types of fatty acids whereas industrial, conventionally raised livestock and poultry will have less healthy omega-3 and more of the inflammatory Omega-6’s.
Prioritize Protein
Eating sufficient amounts of protein, throughout the day, stabilizes blood sugar, whereas carbohydrates destabilize. When grains are limited and healthy natural proteins are emphasized we can help regulate blood sugar so we don’t get spikes and dips which is stressful for the body.
Support For PCOS
Acupuncture, Lifestyle changes, and Nutritional and Diet changes create an effective treatment plan for reversing or addressing the symptoms of PCOS including infertility. So don’t lose hope! Seek out a holistic provider to help guide you to better health! Contact Amy at Energy Flow to schedule your free complimentary discovery call 630-335-1069.