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Ready for Reopening – Strategies for Stronger Immunity

Some people are ready and some are hesitant.  We all have our own comfort levels with the pandemic situation, and no one is right or wrong.  Wearing a mask in public is the law – but what else can you do to ensure your system is as strong as possible? What can you do to protect your family? How about a game plan for “re-entry”! Some points may sound redundant or obvious, but it’s good to really understand the power of the basics, plus real talk about preventative care.


Medicine is Anything that promotes healing and Optimizes Health

We use Medicine all the time without thinking about it.  Water, Sleep, Food, Rest, Recreation, Exercise – it’s all Medicine in my book.  Then there’s therapies that are medicine also.  Talk therapy, massage, acupuncture, herbs, nutritional supplementation, chiropractic, drugs.  Working with health care providers doesn’t always have to be reserved for illness.  We can use many therapies to prevent illness, including acupuncture and herbs!

Let’s look at some basics to cover for at home self-care, and then let’s talk about how acupuncture and herbal therapy fits in to a wellness plan during the pandemic and beyond!


Hydrate, Sleep, Sweat, and Giggle!


Water – Nectar of the Gods

      • Ideally, 1 liter per 50 lbs of body weight is what most of us should have in mind as we hydrate.  Don’t force water, but if you have a hard time drinking more than 2-4 glasses a day, you may need some assistance rebalancing fluids in your body.  We can do that with acupuncture, diet modifications, and herbs.  Remember coffee and strong tea will dehydrate, so add a bit extra water to compensate.  And adding minerals to purified water is important.

Sleep – Regular, Sufficient, Quality

    • Sleep can sometimes slip down on the priority list.  There’s lots of workaholics and overscheduled people in our community! But I’ve learned over the years, that sleep is a MAJOR MEDICINE – and it is FREE! You can make it a higher priority.  Protect it. Schedule it.  In short, make time to get quality sleep.  If sleep eludes you, let me help! Acupuncture and/or herbal medicine has been helping people get restful sleep for eons. Staying up too late can also rob you of important restful non-REM sleep, so keep to a decent bedtime too.  Keep in mind life before the light bulb!

Exercise – Get sweaty for fun

    • Using a guideline of getting your heart rate up so your breathing is more labored for at least 30 minutes 4 times a week, choose something you like to do!  Or at least distract yourself from it with something to watch or listen to. 

Laughter – really is the best Medicine!

    • It’s a cliche for a reason.  There’s a bunch of scientific reasons – it decreases stress hormones, increases endorphins, and increases natural killer cell activity hence boosting immunity.  So if you are feeling somber, Saturday Night Live, the Carol Burnett Show, and the Simpsons may be just what the doctor ordered! Make a list of what brings you joy, and make a point to fit joy in as much as you can!


    • Go Higher – while we’ve always cautioned against doses too high especially of fat soluble vitamins, more research has been coming out.  During a pandemic, I recommend going higher on preventative vitamins and minerals. Kids can take half or 1/4 the adult dose of most supplements but always check with your pediatrician.
    • Vitamin D – it’s actually very concerning to see WebMD list levels of 20-50 ng/ml as the optimal range, and deficiency being defined as 12 – this is too low! I am concerned when I see my patients’ level below 40-50.  To me, 40 is borderline low, yet it’s not uncommon to have patients come in with levels well below 30. I want to see levels between 50-80 ng/ml.  The test to ask your doctor for, or that I can help direct you to order, is 25 Hydroxy D, and is a blood test that should be checked annually.  Low levels of D have been linked to many chronic illnesses, and several small studies of covid-19 patients indicate a strong correlation between low levels of D with greater severity of symptoms and complications, ironically also sighted on WebMD.
    • Vitamin C – controversy and disagreement has surrounded the use of this powerful antioxidant.  Yet when taken as a mineral ascorbate in higher doses throughout the day, it is really a useful medicine to prevent illness and to support nearly every metabolic process in the body, from healthy skin, lowering inflammation, supporting gut health, bone health, etc.
    • Additional supportive nutrients – zinc, selenium, vitamin A, and licorice root. Even melatonin doubles not only as a sleep aid but a gut support and immune/antiviral support.
    • Always – Work with a provider to determine appropriate doses for these and all supplements. I love incorporating nutritional supplementation as needed to enhance healing for my patients!

Overall health translates to robust immunity


Ultimately, we want to prevent disease.  Remember – symptoms are how your body communicates needs to your thinking mind.  Pay attention to what just doesn’t seem right, whether it’s an old problem or new, and seek support.  Prevention includes preventing minor problems from worsening.  This is why I love acupuncture and herbal medicine so much – everyone can benefit.  It’s not just for illnesses  – it’s a great preventative! 


Stress is a  response in the body that  manifests  in  imbalances  of  cortisol,  neurotransmitters, thyroid  hormones, and  more.  A  robust self  care routine is critical to reducing effects o f s tress  in the body, and ultimately preventing many chronic diseases.


My Top  3  Stress Busters are:

  1. Meditation – at  least 20 minutes a day,
  2. Sleep –  what feels  right for you  amount-wise, and
  3. Acupuncture  –  the healing state brain wave inducer!


What to do if you begin experiencing the symptoms of the virus?


Firstly – don’t panic.  Breathe. Rest. Help is available! 

With people being told to tough it out at home, and the concern of going to the hospital, my colleagues, across the US and internationally, and I have been preparing to help. I am careful here to not say I treat THE virus. And, I don’t.  I treat people experiencing symptoms.

Chinese Medicine is really suited for treating symptoms associated with bacterial and viral infections, as China has endured hundreds of pandemics that have helped shaped the medicine over the centuries.  Herbs routinely provide targeted support based on symptoms, and formulas prescribed change rapidly as the symptoms progress rapidly.  Examples of how herbal medicine can help include helping the body reduce fever, aid breathing, break up phlegm, and resolve severe body aches.

If you feel like you are coming down with something, I recommend you call or text and we’ll set up a consultation so I can get the information I need to support you!   Or if you are ready to up your prevention plan, we can do that on Zoom or in the clinic!  




Teen Health Concerns and Chinese Medicine

teen in pain


It’s tough being a teenager these days.  Well, it always has been actually.  But it is REALLY tough now.  We’ve all been there and can empathize, but now as parents what can we do to help  our kids feel their best  so they can  truly shine their  brightest?    It hurts so much to see your child hurting, and unfortunately, many teens are suffering more than they should have to.


In this article I want to focus mainly on young women and especially the most common health issues they encounter: menstrual difficulties, chronic headaches, and anxiety.


When I’ve talked with groups of high schoolers, they talk like headaches, cramps, and anxiety are par for the course.  A day in the life.  But honestly, that’s not fair.   And it’s not true. These are all symptoms that there’s an imbalance, and the body is crying for help.


Menstrual Problems


Normally the period will begin anywhere from age 9 to 18.  Of course the middle of that range is the most typical.  In health class they may learn some things about menstruation, but there’s a lot more that is not really freely discussed.  Yep, all those details.  Some girls  may think that  however their  mom or  sisters other relatives experience is explanation enough for what to expect.  And while some  patterns can  be hereditary, it doesn’t mean she should just  resign to  pain or suffering.  Chinese medicine has  been  treating gynecological  issues  for thousands  of  years, and often we can  really relieve many common problems that  may occur even in the early years of menstruation.  Here is a list of  problems that  I  commonly help  with:


  • Cramps and Pain (dysmenorrhea)
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Irregular cycles
  • Lack of  bleeding (amenorrhea)
  • PMS
  • PCOS

Our clinic specializes in a variety of gynecological issues, and we are passionate about setting up young women for healthier cycles.  Taking care of imbalances early will often prevent many longer-term problems that lead to more serious problems.



Headaches are not normal! Maybe 1 to 2 headaches a year I wouldn’t be concerned about, but daily, weekly, even monthly headaches are a definite sign of an imbalance in the body.  Through our diagnostic methods we find the root cause and come up with a treatment plan to stop recurring headaches and migraines.  Life is much easier when it’s pain free, and teen girls can use all the help they can to get through these years.




While this is a complex issue, there is so much that acupuncture and sometimes herbs can address.  Often there is an underlying energetic imbalance in addition to habits and lifestyle choices that greatly impact our ability to handle stress.   I often also use Neuro  Emotional Techniques to address underlying stress patterns to get to the root  issues.


Taking Steps For a Happier Healthier Teen

If you know a young person who suffers with any of these concerns, please have her parents contact me to arrange a free consultation over Zoom or in person.  A more vibrant life is a call or text away.

Response to the Pandemic – Now Offering Telemedicine

My Dear Community, these times are trying, and I want you to know I’m here to support you!


Remaining Open for In-Person Visits

After much study, meditation, and thinking, I have decided to remain open to serve the community’s ongoing health needs, both mental and physical – as I consider myself first and foremost a Mind-Body Healthcare Provider.  I have the tools needed to reduce the effects of this respiratory illness and for the stress that it is heightened.


Repeating CDC Guidelines for your safety and community safety

Anyone with a fever above 99.0, a cough, shortness of breath, and/or intense body pains, please STAY HOME IN BED or ON THE COUCH and call or text me 630-335-1069.  I am trained in herbal medicine to treat these symptoms, and I can do so via video conferencing.

I also am NOT open for those who may have been exposed to the virus, and please follow CDC guidelines if you are immune compromised or over age 65.



I am following all CDC recommendations for making my clinic safe – sanitizing all touch surfaces including my phone and laptop before and after each patient visit, and changing all bedding each patient visit and copious hand washing.  I am also limiting all contact outside of clinic, staying home and limiting visits to stores.  *Taking Social Distancing Seriously*


The Future is Here – Now Offering Telemedicine

I am offering consultations via a secure video conferencing platform that is easy to use and will allow us to talk to each other without meeting in person! This is available to anyone and I especially encourage you to schedule an online consultation with me to address high anxiety, panic, respiratory issues, or to address immunity boosting.  Herbal prescriptions and supplements can be mailed to you or arranged for pickup from Estuary Center.

Here is a link to schedule a virtual consultation at the introductory fee of $75 for 30 minutes for existing patients, and here’s the link for a new patient consultation for 60 minutes.


Pandemic Self Care 101

Investing in Vitality – My Health Journey

I’m about to get real. vulnerable. with you…

10 years ago I was rather a wreck.  I had a toddler-preschooler and a baby and zero energy.  And rage.  I did my best.  We all do right? We’re all always doing our best, but when your best is yelling at your kids and constipation and bloating and inability to gain weight and fatigue so bad that sometimes you can’t get through the day vertically – then it’s time to take a look at what is going on.


At first I tackled the low energy.  I invested in a personal trainer because the idea of exercising enough to cause a bit of huff and puff on my own was like thinking of climbing a mountain.  So that’s where I started.  Twice a week, I met with a young encouraging woman who slowly but surely got me moving again.


Then, I continually worked on digestion.  Having come from being told I had an incurable disease that would require a variety of medications to control for the rest of my life, as a teen, to having just manageable constipation and some bloating – it was all in perspective and not as daunting.  I’d been cured of Crohn’s for over 10 years, but still very sensitive to food which is good because the things that set me off the worse were foods no one needs.  Cakes, cookies, pizza, etc.  I had been used to a gluten-free dairy-free diet so it was no longer an inconvenience, just a way of life.


It wasn’t until my youngest was about 5 that I realized the rage and anger and fatigue I’d experienced after my second son was actually a form of post-partum depression.  It had never dawned on me because I was not the prototypical depressed mom.  I was sad when I realized this.  I had been struggling on my own.  I didn’t know – I was the one who helped others with their hormonal health and yet I was not attuned enough to myself to seek help.  Thankfully, I had started working on decreasing my reactivity and improving my self care overall, so every year after my son was born things improved.  I became more of the mother I wanted to be.


It’s the dilemma of the cobbler’s kids have no shoes – the healer isn’t looking after herself as much as she looks after her patients and family.  At my low point, about 5 years ago, I was a scrawny 82 lbs.  I ate a lot but could not gain an ounce.  I was diagnosed with primary hypothyroidism for which the medication (levothyroxine) did not work for me.   Meanwhile, my marriage was at its unhealthiest, and I knew something had to change.  I was ready.


About the same time I decided to get divorced, I had also been receiving herbal therapy and acupuncture treatments, and I did homeopathy to address Lyme Disease (yup that too).   Suddenly it seemed, my health blossomed.  I was able to gain weight, and my energy improved even more.  And I am so happy to say that I’ve been at my healthiest the past 3 years.  I have continued to work out regularly, I have gained muscle and a bit of padding, and my energy is better than ever.  I started a daily meditation practice, and I continued with Chinese herbs.  This past year I got the news that my thyroid numbers were normal- no more hypothyroidism! My digestion was better than ever! – until again, it wasn’t, and I realized the missing piece – I wasn’t doing acupuncture regularly.  I had been getting treatments from colleagues but they moved away, and so fell off that wagon because it is just not as wonderful to treat myself as it was to be treated.  So now I’m committed to treating myself regularly because it does still work, and seeing my patients improve with their digestive symptoms really is the best motivation to give myself the same benefits!


I hope that hearing my very personal story of my own health journey has been helpful for you.  We all have our Stuff!  I’m all about the real stuff.  In the treatment room, I want to hear about your struggles, and I want to do whatever I can to help you be your strongest.  It doesn’t matter how old you are – I am feeling vibrant and energetic and strong in my 40’s – stronger even than for much of my teens and 20’s and 30’s.


Let’s talk about your goals and dreams – I want to help you get there!  A free consultation is a phone call away 630-335-1069.


Healing You, Healing Me

630-335-1069 Directions Contact/Schedule