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Treating the Whole Person, a Basic Concept in Chinese Medicine

Because Chinese Medicine developed approximately 2,000 or so years ago, it is a completely different yet complete system of medicine.  Imagine what life was like then.  People were completely dependent on the land around them, and very in touch with the stars, the sun, the moon, and the Earth.  Everything was studied and principles of nature were deduced, and then applied to their lives for their benefit.  When to plant what crop where, where to build a house, when to harvest which crop, and what plants can heal what malady.

To understand Chinese Medicine, one should consider the concept of the human as a microcosm of the macrocosm.  All the laws that govern the natural world apply to us too. 

I won’t go into detail because it takes a full course of study to grasp – I could refer you to some books if you want to learn more about chinese medical theories.  But I do want you to understand that by approaching the human organism in this way, you are viewed as a Whole person.  No part is separate, and everything is interconnected.  What happens to your left foot can affect your right hand, what you think can affect your digestion.  Your experiences are stored as memories in your subconscious which can interact with and disrupt or enhance your physiology.

In other words, mind-body-spirit are one.  This is sometimes called Wholism.  It is not woo woo or foo foo.  This is the original medicine. 

Earth Sun Moon as macrocosm

You’ve experienced the failures of conventional medicine or you wouldn’t be reading this. You’ve been frustrated by the one size fits all approaches, and the negative side effects overshadowing the thing you took the pill for in the first place.  Or you know there’s got to be a different way.

Luckily for us Americans, a bunch of brilliant scholars and physicians of this medicine translated the important teachings passed down through the centuries and learned this medicine the traditional way – from teacher to student, master to future master. 

In this way, there’s a bridge from the old knowledge of how everything in nature (which includes us!) works and how to use our natural resources and our innate healing abilities to live more purposeful, fruitful, abundant lives. 

Tap in to this wisdom – learn about and trust your own power. You are whole and complete.    

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Thyroid Health – Signs and Symptoms of Lowered Functioning

It’s a good thing that the thyroid has been getting more attention in general lately.  For too long it has been overlooked and misdiagnosed.  While medication is sometimes needed to manage a poorly functioning thyroid, and is used to replace a missing thyroid, Chinese Medicine also treats the symptoms of thyroid dysfunction and can help boost functioning naturally.


When Your Thyroid Function is Low

I want to share with you a list of symptoms that may indicate a problem with your thyroid.  While there are two main problems that can occur with the thyroid – hypo-functioning aka Hypothyroidism, and hyper-functioning aka Hyperthyroidism, in this article we will focus on hypothyroidism and it’s most common form which is Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis.

Untreated Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism can cause:

  • Fatigue and exhaustion
  • Weight gain, and with it increased risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease
  • High cholesterol due to the role of the thyroid in fat metabolism
  • Depression – as many as 15% of women on antidepressants have an undetected thyroid problem as the cause of their depression – but their thyroid problem hasn’t been diagnosed so they are being misdiagnosed and mistreated. That’s one reason that antidepressants don’t help a subset of women.
  • Anxiety also often accompanies thyroid problems.
  • Decreased cognitive function – aka brain fog – the thyroid is responsible for helping us maintain brain health, and even slight thyroid dysfunction can impair memory and concentration. Studies of women in their 60s have shown that even marginally slow thyroid function can cause dementia-like symptoms, and that treatment can dramatically improve cognitive function and have a brain-protective effect.
  • Increased risk of cardiac arrhythmias and congestive heart failure due to the regulatory control of the thyroid on heart rate and rhythm.
  • Difficulty adapting body temperature – feel cold all the time? Could be a sign that the thyroid is not working optimally since one of its jobs is to regulate body temperature.

the thyroid is often called the butterfly gland
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the throat.


What Should You Do if You Suspect a Thyroid Problem?


  1. I recommend ordering a complete Thyroid Blood Panel that includes:


Free T4

Free T3

Reverse T3

TPO Antibodies

TG Antibodies


This gives a broader picture of thyroid and pituitary function and if there’s an autoimmune aspect. A knowledgeable functional medicine doctor or holistic endocrinologist can interpret the lab test results.

2.  Try a gluten free, soy free, dairy free diet for at least 1 month.  Studies have found that these three proteins cross-react with thyroid tissue, which means your immune system gets activated when you eat those proteins and also attacks the thyroid tissue.

3.  Get out of sleep deficit!  Your body needs to rest deeply in order to repair and restore.  If you are not getting quality sleep or enough for your personal needs, you are constantly digging yourself deeper.  Make sleep a priority.

4 . Cut back on caffeine – too much caffeine can increase cortisol and upset your hormonal balance even more than without it, and this in turn affects the thyroid.

5.  Add holistic healthcare to your health maintenance plan! Acupuncture is very valuable in helping your body get out of stress overload and into healing mode.


Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine for Thyroid Health and Healing


In my practice, I’m often helping women on thyroid medication or those who haven’t yet started medication with many of the symptoms listed above. When we’re talking about hormones, including those made by the thyroid and pituitary, which is the gland that stimulates and regulates the thyroid, we’re talking about subtle energies that control metabolism and many major functions including our mental health.  Sometimes we need to address that subtle energetic layer, in addition to the chemical layer that the replacement hormones address.

Herbal therapy and acupuncture help hypothyroid by:

  • Reducing Inflammation
  • Promoting natural healing hormone release
  • Allowing the body to heal itself by releasing blocked energy
  • Boosting your body’s own natural energy production
  • Calming the entire nervous system
  • Balancing your body’s hormonal chemistry
  • Regulate body temperature


Call us today to start healing your thyroid, balancing your endocrine system, and feel more like yourself! 630-335-1069

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Neuro Emotional Technique – finding hidden causes that interfere with healing

Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) is a non-invasive bio-energetic healing method that can uncover underlying stressors, including unresolved emotions, that are linked with and contributing to your sense of dis-ease.  Some of our pain is emotional, some is physical, and some is intertwined.  NET compliments acupuncture therapy and helps to speed healing, especially for very chronic problems. 


Stress and Emotional Blockages

Emotions are healthy and normal responses to stimuli, and normally pose no long-lasting physiological or psychological problems. While the conventional wisdom holds that emotions are separate from the physical body and its functions, modern research has now offered compelling evidence that emotions are physiological in nature and actually manifest throughout the body in the form of biochemicals called neuropeptides.

It is human nature to have emotional responses to significant events in our lives, and our bodies most often will deal normally with those responses at some point. However, sometimes the emotions become “stuck” and we develop conditioned response patterns that manifest as physical symptoms of some level of disease.

The skillful application of NET can normalize unresolved physical or behavioral patterns. The correction uses Muscle Response Testing along with specific NET inquiries to identify these blocks and to release them. While the events and their details are brought to consciousness, this is all very natural and safe. NET is not a “talk it out” therapy. Certainly, some patients can benefit from such therapies (and some should), and those therapies can be utilized along with NET, where applicable.


Mind-Body Healing

NET removes energy blockages, using the principles of Traditional East Asian Medicine and the associated organs and meridians. It is a true mind-body approach.

NET is effective in addressing emotional conflicts in the areas of relationships, family life, finances, career, and other personal issues that negatively influence health.


The Four Bases of Healing in NET

NET helps us find what the mind-body needs in order to assist deeper healing of the issue we’re exploring.

First Base finds and corrects a stressor, called a Neuro Emotional Complex,  

Second Base indicates a homeopathic remedy to assist in healing,

Third Base implicates nutritonal support

Fourth Base indicates a needed structural fix.  

NET is complimentary to acupuncture, and is based on the principles of Chinese Medicine in addition to incorporating chiropractic theory, nutrition, and homeopathy.  Acupuncture treatment assists in deepening the corrections done via NET, and can be used to correct a 4th base issue and sometimes is used in lieu of or in addition to the 2nd base finding. 

My patients love how they feel stronger and lighter after a session.  Pain improves, and overall wellbeing moves forward.  If you are curious if NET is right for you, call 630-335-1069 to schedule a complimentary consultation.  


Happy and Free

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Acupuncture for Fertility

Acupuncture for fertility is safe and effective.

(Naperville Acupuncture)


When you are trying to get pregnant, every month can seem like an eternity.  It can feel like a race against time and like every day matters.  You may feel pressured by society because of your age, or by the burden of a diagnosis.

So, what to do? Acupuncture is a well-known treatment to help improve fertility.

How Does Acupuncture for Fertility Work?

Acupuncture can help balance hormones, improve blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, and help reduce stress hormones that might interfere with fertility. As a holistic therapy, the goal is making you healthier overall to allow conception and a healthy pregnancy.  Acupuncture sessions are very relaxing, and can be a great source of hope and strength while you are dealing with fertility issues.

How Long does Acupuncture Take to Work?

As with anything someone seeks treatment for, it depends on many factors, but most people start seeing changes as soon as their first cycle. More regular periods, less pain and PMS symptoms, and better sleep and digestion are all signs that acupuncture treatments are working and preparing your body for pregnancy.

In general, you should plan for a minimum of three cycles to balance your hormones and improve egg quality. Some people will need 12 months of treatment to rebuild their overall health.  It might take longer if you have a known condition like PCOS or endometriosis, but even those respond well to acupuncture.

At each session, your acupuncturist will offer nutritional guidance as well as lifestyle support to help you reach your goals. The more healthy choices you can make outside the treatment room, the better acupuncture will work—helping you get pregnant faster.

When Should I Start Acupuncture for Fertility? 

Even more important is how soon you start treatment. Often people wait for months or years to seek out acupuncture. Actually, getting started sooner will give you a better chance of success. Add acupuncture treatments as soon as you start wondering if you are having trouble, and you’ll be meeting your baby before you know it!

What About My Partner?

Did you know that male factor infertility accounts for 40% of all infertility? Often times it goes undetected by western medical testing.  This is why at Energy Flow Acupuncture & Wellness Center we advocate for both partners to receive acupuncture and/or herbal treatment to maximize the health of the ovaries, sperm, and uterus.  

We’re happy to answer your questions and support you throughout your fertility journey.  Contact us and let us know how we can help!



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Retraining the Diaphragm to Enhance Your Health!

Believe it or not, but the way you breathe can impact your health! And vice versa.  The diaphragm is a muscle that sits under the lungs between the chest cavity and the abdominal cavity.  As with any muscle in the body it can get tight or spastic or out of shape.  What’s more, is the connective tissue surrounding the diaphragm connects it to so many different parts of the body, thus implicating it in any type of pain or dysregulation in the body.

Luckily, we can affect the health of the diaphragm and its movement through breathing exercises. practicing mindful breathing every day does more than just calm you down for a few minutes. It retrains and exercises the diaphragm thus helping to relax and reprogram many other muscles and tissues they connect with all over your body.  


Diaphragmatic breathing


How does diaphragmatic breathing (also called deep breathing or a 3 part breath) detoxify and restore our bodies?

Deep breathing stimulates the lymph nodes and assists lymph drainage (think of the lymphatic system like the sewage system of the body, where debris and toxins are collected and then eliminated).  In fact, it increases the rate of elimination as much as 15 times!

When the diaphragm moves up and down in deep breathing, it stimulates the vagus nerve, which houses many of the parasympathetic nervous systems’ fibers.  This is important because the parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for the ‘rest and digest’ response.  When we are able to digest we absorb more nutrients to build and protect our bodies and when we can rest, our bodies are given a chance to repair. -Deep breathing assists the circulatory system, improving blood circulation, another major channel of elimination and detoxification.


So, how do we practice diaphragmatic breathing?

I found it helpful when I was first learning to lie on my back and place one hand on my lower belly and one hand on my ribcage. Begin by slowing down the breath and relaxing the mind, using the nostrils to breath. Then take an inhale sending the breath down into the lower belly, feeling the hand rising up, keep inhaling and now fill the ribcage with air, feeling the sides of the ribs expand, and finally feel the top of the lungs, the upper chest fill with air. Exhale, reversing the flow.  So, upper chest empties, then side ribs, then lower belly. If it’s helpful, imagine filling a balloon. Inhale, sending breath down to the bottom of the balloon, filling the lower belly, then the side ribs and up to the top, a full balloon. Exhale, top of the balloon, chest deflates, then side ribs contract and finally lower belly, almost squeezes the last of the air out. You can begin with a 4 second inhale count and a 4 second exhale count and as your lung capacity increases you can gradually lengthen each, keeping the length of the inhale the same as the exhale.

Who Can Benefit from breathing exercises?

This practice is appropriate for anyone experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, pain, menstrual difficulties, urinary frequency and urgency, sleep trouble, and really anything!  I encourage all my patients to incorporate mindful breathing – breathing without doing anything else for a few moments – as part of their home work.  They love knowing this simple practice can help them, and it’s a life skill worth practicing!
If you are suffering from a condition that interferes with the life you want to be living, please call 630-335-1069 to schedule a free consultation!
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