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Neuro Emotional Technique – finding hidden causes that interfere with healing

Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) is a non-invasive bio-energetic healing method that can uncover underlying stressors, including unresolved emotions, that are linked with and contributing to your sense of dis-ease.  Some of our pain is emotional, some is physical, and some is intertwined.  NET compliments acupuncture therapy and helps to speed healing, especially for very chronic problems. 


Stress and Emotional Blockages

Emotions are healthy and normal responses to stimuli, and normally pose no long-lasting physiological or psychological problems. While the conventional wisdom holds that emotions are separate from the physical body and its functions, modern research has now offered compelling evidence that emotions are physiological in nature and actually manifest throughout the body in the form of biochemicals called neuropeptides.

It is human nature to have emotional responses to significant events in our lives, and our bodies most often will deal normally with those responses at some point. However, sometimes the emotions become “stuck” and we develop conditioned response patterns that manifest as physical symptoms of some level of disease.

The skillful application of NET can normalize unresolved physical or behavioral patterns. The correction uses Muscle Response Testing along with specific NET inquiries to identify these blocks and to release them. While the events and their details are brought to consciousness, this is all very natural and safe. NET is not a “talk it out” therapy. Certainly, some patients can benefit from such therapies (and some should), and those therapies can be utilized along with NET, where applicable.


Mind-Body Healing

NET removes energy blockages, using the principles of Traditional East Asian Medicine and the associated organs and meridians. It is a true mind-body approach.

NET is effective in addressing emotional conflicts in the areas of relationships, family life, finances, career, and other personal issues that negatively influence health.


The Four Bases of Healing in NET

NET helps us find what the mind-body needs in order to assist deeper healing of the issue we’re exploring.

First Base finds and corrects a stressor, called a Neuro Emotional Complex,  

Second Base indicates a homeopathic remedy to assist in healing,

Third Base implicates nutritonal support

Fourth Base indicates a needed structural fix.  

NET is complimentary to acupuncture, and is based on the principles of Chinese Medicine in addition to incorporating chiropractic theory, nutrition, and homeopathy.  Acupuncture treatment assists in deepening the corrections done via NET, and can be used to correct a 4th base issue and sometimes is used in lieu of or in addition to the 2nd base finding. 

My patients love how they feel stronger and lighter after a session.  Pain improves, and overall wellbeing moves forward.  If you are curious if NET is right for you, call 630-335-1069 to schedule a complimentary consultation.  


Happy and Free

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